“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) – Markus Hill spoke for FINANZPLATZ-FRANKFURT-MAIN.DE with Dr. Dominik Benner, CEO of Benner Holding GmbH, about the P5 THE PROPERTY CONGRESS taking place on 6.7. – 7.7.2023 in Frankfurt. History, motivation, and selected program key points are addressed. “Beyond Crisis” is the current motto. The real estate industry receives a new forum for the professional exchange of ideas – know-how, workshops, lectures, and networking – the Main metropolis again underlines its importance as a central “info hub” in Germany for the industry. Real estate, macro outlook (Hans Werner Sinn), and challenges for family offices and institutional investors will be additionally addressed in a panel discussion.
Hill: You are organizing the event P5 THE PROPERTY CONGRESS in Frankfurt on July 6 to 7, 2023. How did the idea for the event come about, what is the thinking behind your concept?
Benner: The origin is our magazine THE PROPERTY: Here we started two years ago, meanwhile we have 10,000 readers and the magazine is known nationwide. To make it live, a podcast came in 2022, where we interview the management of the real estate industry every two weeks in the podcast. And as a third step came the idea to start a conference after the magazine and podcast. Not as a trade fair and not as a fireside evening, but as a cool conference format where you can take something with you professionally.
Hill: Hans Werner Sinn will talk about the topic of inflation and real estate. We have a panel after that where this topic will be looked at and discussed through the lens of practice. Where do you see the challenges for real estate investors in the coming years?
Benner: The yield curve will stay up longer than expected, prices will still fall a bit. But what is critical are two things: The massive vacancy rate for offices and retail, which will result in massive devaluations. And secondly, the issue of compulsory redevelopment, because whether at the EU level or through Mr. Habeck, the industry is facing major tasks and uncertainties here. And uncertainties are known to be poison for investors, which then also has an effect on new construction, which no longer takes place, no matter what the government wishes.

Hill: What other topics can you look forward to in July?
Benner: We have put a very strong focus on ESG, Proptech, Portfolio & Construction, and Financing. Always with the motto of the conference: “Beyond Crisis”. Because we don’t want to mope around but look at how you can emerge as a winner in the crisis. And here we have top speakers, excellent workshops, and extensive networking for our participants. And we are placing some surprises on site.
Hill: You chose Frankfurt as the venue. What do you particularly like about this city?
Benner: I feel like a Frankfurt boy, so I’ve always wondered why no relevant real estate format takes place in this great city of all places. That’s why we deliberately chose Frankfurt to implement the biggest real estate event there. And since Frankfurt is in the middle of Germany and has very international players, this fits very well with our P5 congress.
Hill: When you’re not dealing with platforms and real estate, what does Dr. Dominik Benner do to clear his head?
Benner: I have three small children, where nights are short (laughs), but it gives me a lot of strength. And since we have a lot of trade as well as gastronomy in addition to real estate, there’s plenty we can do together as a family on the weekends. The children now love the diversity of our group, even though, they often don’t understand how things are connected.
Hill: Thank you very much for the interview. Real estate, alternative investments, and ESG – I look forward to our discussion round with you in Frankfurt!
Dr. Dominik Benner, Benner Holding GmbH – As Managing Partner, Dr. Dominik Benner heads the company and its investments. After studying business administration at the University of St. Gallen (Bachelor, Master), Switzerland, and at Insead Fontaineblau and San Diego, Dr. Benner received his doctorate as Dr. oec. HSG. After holding various management positions and procuration at Bilfinger Berger, Dr. Benner was appointed Managing Director within the juwi Group in 2011, where he held several management and project positions. Since 2014, Dr. Dominik Benner has been the Managing Partner of the holding company as well as of the investments. He is also a member of the advisory board of several companies.
- P5 THE PROPERTY CONGRESS: “The new platform for the real estate industry. The impetus for something new: There are many good real estate events, but they are either focused only on certain parts of the industry, locally, or for political exchange. There was a lack of a new communication platform with a major congress. That’s why we got together as real estate investors from the areas of private and institutional investors, family offices as well as project developments and came up with the idea of the P5 Property Congress. Where P stands for Property and 5 for the main topics of existing real estate, ESG, financing, construction, and PropTech.” (PROGRAM, TOPICS & HEADS P5 THE PROPERTY CONGRESS: http://www.P5.immo)
- P5 THE PROPERTY CONGRESS: Panel Discussion – “Real Estate, Alternative Investments and ESG – Challenges for Family Offices & Institutional Investors in 2023” (11.10 – 11.50 a.m., 7.7.2023) – Panelists: Dr. Dominik Benner (Benner Holding GmbH), Florian Schmitt (VBG Invest AG), Jan Paul Becker (Jan Paul Becker Institut GmbH), Alexander Scholz (Telos GmbH) – Moderation: Markus Hill (FINANZPLATZ-FRANKFURT-MAIN.DE)
- P5 THE PROPERTY CONGRESS (BEYOND BORDERS – 2023 – host country Turkey): “With the ‘Beyond Borders’ initiative, we want to think beyond borders. A successful networking platform like the P5 Property Congress serves as a bridge between industries, nationally and internationally and that is exactly what ‘Beyond Borders’ represents. That is why we have invited entrepreneurs, project developers, family offices, and other participants from the real estate industry in Turkey to join us. Germany and Turkey are connected by particularly diverse cultural relations. These are characterized by friendship and economic ties that have already existed for several decades and have been further strengthened and intensified over the years. In addition, Turkish real estate investors have been among the most active foreign investors in Germany for several years. Interesting projects, innovative construction methods, the exchange of specialists and investment opportunities as well as critical discussions about the current developments after the election in Turkey await the visitors of the P5 Property Congress.” (ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT: Yusuf Tüm, Tüm Holding – www.p5.immo)
Photo: www.istock.com/jotily
One thought on “FINANCIAL CENTRE FRANKFURT: P5 THE PROPERTY CONGRESS – Inflation, Real Estate, Alternative Investments, ESG, Family Offices, Proptech & “Frankfurter Junge” – P5 THE PROPERTY CONGRESS, Frankfurt, 6.7. – 7.7.2023 (INTERVIEW – Dr. Dominik Benner, Benner Holding GmbH)”