“Financial Centre North Rhine-Westphalia”, Financial Centre Frankfurt, Economy, Innovation, Germany Finance & Cooperation of Financial Centres – Markus Hill spoke for FINANZPLATZ-FRANKFURT-MAIN.DE about these topics with Heinz Joachim Plessentin, former coordinator of Fin.Connect.NRW at the Ministry of Economics of NRW. Further components of the discussion were additionally the areas of […]
USA, Canada, Europe, Renewable Energies and Infrastructure – Markus Hill spoke for FONDSBOUTIQUEN.DE with Sebastian Thürmer, artis ACM, about current trends in real estate, alternative investments, and ESG. The base of the conversation on various topics such as direct investments, special funds, and the private markets segment was, among other […]
Dr. Henning Schröer built up a family office for the Merz family in Frankfurt and managed it for more than 10 years. With fidubonum (www.fidubonum.de), he now advises wealthy families on strategy and structural issues, which also includes advice on setting up custom-fit family office structures. Markus Hill spoke with […]
Fund boutiques, medium-sized companies, US real estate, infrastructure investments – Markus Hill spoke for FONDSBOUTIQUEN.DE with Martin Krause, BVT Holding, about the current challenges for a niche player in this segment. Topics such as ESG, renewable energies, due diligence, and the pleasure of exchanging professional ideas (“Real Estate, Alternative Investments […]
“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) – Markus Hill spoke for FINANZPLATZ-FRANKFURT-MAIN.DE with Dr. Dominik Benner, CEO of Benner Holding GmbH, about the P5 THE PROPERTY CONGRESS taking place on 6.7. – 7.7.2023 in Frankfurt. History, motivation, and […]
“If you love what you do, you will never work another day in your life!” (Confucius). Markus Hill* spoke for FONDSBOUTIQUEN.DE with Prof. Dr. Demir Bektić, FINVIA, about “Family Office & Joy” fund selection, real assets, geopolitics, and portfolio management. Topics such as a professorship in finance, networking, and at […]